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附錄一 關於 GLAD (Global Learning and Assessment
Development) 全球學習與測評發展中心
GLAD (Global Learning and Assessment Development,格萊得 ) 全球學習與測
評發展中心,總公司在美國有第二個矽谷之稱的加州 Irvine ( 爾灣市 ),離美國著名加
州大學爾灣校區 UCI 不遠,並分別在加拿大 Toronto 等地逐一建立研發基地。
GLAD 為全球計算機行業協會 Comp TIA ( 美國計算機行業協會 ) 的成員之一,
也是全球測評發行行業協會 ATP (Association of Test Publishers) 專業組織的成員之
GLAD 的成立使命之一,是為人類創造學習價值,進而為全球各國提供具有創新
與價值的學習培訓或測評項目。這些項目是經過各國主題專家 SME (subject matter
expert) 的推薦、指導與審慎評估,以自行研發或是技術合作方式,所推展出來的項目。
About GLAD (Global Learning and Assessment Development)
GLAD Head Quarter is located in Irvine city, CA. Irvine is called second
silicon valley in U.S.A.. GLAD is not far from UCI (University of California,
Irvine), a famous university in U.S.A..
GLAD is formed by some people who has innovative ideas in instruction and
assessment development.
One of the missions of GLAD is to provide innovative and valuable items in
learning and assessment to the countries in world wide. Each item is recommended,
evaluated and verified by SME (subject matter expert) from worldwide through
research and development in GLAD and/or cooperation with third parties.