Page 118 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 118

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                      02   片語

                    1  pay attention to 專注於;注意                                             U29-2-1      106 / 97

                       說明   (用法)pay attention to + Ving/n.「注意」;

                             相似片語   pay attention to ≒ give attention to ≒ attend to「注意」
                       You should pay attention to your steps.  Don’t stamp on my feet when dancing.


                    2  around the corner 即將來臨;即將問世;在附近                                        U29-2-2      108
                       There is always the chance that some new medicine or even a cure is just around

                       the corner.

                    3  such as 像                                        U29-2-3       109 / 105 / 104 / 103 / 101 / 99 / 97 / 96

                       Regular exercise, such as running or playing a sport, will keep your muscles firm.

                    4  a period of 一段                                                               U29-2-4
                       We haven’t heard from each other for a period of time.  Therefore, we look forward
                       to meeting again.

                    5  now that 既然                                                             U29-2-5       97
                       Please help us with the housework now that you are free.


                    6  to one’s surprise 另(某人)驚訝的是                                            U29-2-6      100
                       To my surprise, Jill went to school on foot instead of by school bus.


                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  We can see many animals on Ms. Gao’s farm, ccc chickens, pigs, horses, and so

                             (A) at once        (B) such as        (C) in spite of    (D) in regard of

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