Page 128 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 128

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                      02   片語

                    1  at last 最後;終於(= in the end = in the long run)                                U30-2-1
                       He practiced speaking English every day. At last, he passed the English oral test.

           tips        他每天練習說英文。最後,他通過了英文口說測驗。
                       ◎ in the long run 最後;終於
                          After struggling, the climbers reached the top of Mt. Jade in the long run.


                    2  live on 以…過活;以…為主食                                                           U30-2-2

                       說明   相似片語   live on ≒ feed on「以…為主食」
                       The old man lived on public assistance.

                    3  live up to 達成;實踐                                                             U30-2-3

                       Daniel lived up to his father’s dream and became a famous cook.

                    4  catch up with 趕上;與…並駕齊驅(= keep up with 【108】)
                                                                                              U30-2-4      108

                       It is not easy to catch up with schoolwork and work part-time at the same time.

                    5  lay off 解雇                                                                   U30-2-5
                       說明   動詞三態 lay - laid - laid
                       If the workers are laid off, they will get some compensation.


                    6  date back to 追溯到(= trace back to)                                            U30-2-6

                       The first Confucius temple in Taiwan dates back to 1666.
                       台灣第一座孔廟要追溯到 1666 年。

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