Page 53 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 53

◎ arrange [əˋrendʒ]        安排;籌備                                                 100
                          說明   相似字  arrangement「安排;準備」≒ preparation「準備」
                          My brother will arrange everything for his friend’s wedding.


                    27 urban [ˋɝbən]      市區的;都市的                                         U23-1-27      101 / 97
                       Three-fourths of the nationals live in urban districts
                                                                                   Tips 易混淆
                       and make the cities bigger and bigger.
                                                                                   25 rural   鄉村的
                       四分之三的國民住在都市地區,而使得都市越來越大。                                    27 urban   市區的
                       ◎ suburb [ˋsʌbɝb]        郊區                                  suburban   郊區的            Unit

                          說明   suburban (adj.)「郊區的」                                                           23
                          Rita moved to the suburbs last year.

                    28 crash [kræʃ]      碰撞;墜毀;當機;垮台   墜毀;碰撞                                 U23-1-28      107

                       說明   car crash = car accident「車禍」;train crash「火車事故」;air crash「飛機失事」
                       My computer suddenly crashed and all my data was lost.


                    29 conflict [ˋkɑnflɪkt]    衝突;戰鬥   衝突;爭執                             U23-1-29      107 / 100

                       說明   相似字  conflict ≒ battle「搏鬥;戰鬥」≒ fight「戰鬥;爭吵」≒ struggle「鬥爭;奮鬥」
                       A bloody conflict broke out in the Middle East last week.
                       ◎ dispute [dɪˋspjut]        爭奪;爭論;辯論

                          說明   相似字  dispute ≒ debate「爭論;辯論」;beyond dispute「無疑地」;
                                    under dispute「爭論中」
                          The couple disputed whose turn it was to do the laundry last night.


                    30 bargain [ˋbɑrɡɪn]      廉價物   議價                                   U23-1-30      101 / 100
                       Mother usually bargains with vendors in the market and buys goods at a lower


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