Page 80 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 80

Unit 26

            卜 書 文 英 大 題 考

                      01   單字

                    1  appointment [əˋpɔɪntmənt]         約定;任命;委派
                                                                             U26-1-1      108 / 107 / 105 / 102 / 100 / 97

                       說明   相似片語   make an appointment ≒ make a reservation「預約」;
                                       appoint (v.)「指派;約定」
                       If you don’t make an appointment to meet the president of our company in

                       advance, you may have to wait for hours.

                    2  reserve [rɪˋzɝv]      保留;預約   保護區;儲備;預備金
                                                                                          U26-1-2      102 / 100
                       說明   reservoir (n.)「水庫;儲水池」;reserve ≒ book「預約」
                       This piece of land is reserved for wild animals and plants. It is not open for the

                       general public.
                       ◎ reservation [ˏrɛzɚˋveʃən]        預約;保留;自然保護地;專用地                            105 / 99

                          He made a dinner reservation for two window seats at the restaurant.

                    3  preserve [prɪˋzɝv]       保存;維護;醃製                               U26-1-3      105 / 101 / 96
                       Don’t eat too much preserved fruit.  It contains too much sugar.

                    4  deserve [dɪˋzɝv]       應得;值得                                           U26-1-4      98
                       說明   不可用進行式;You deserve it. = It serves you right.「你活該。」
                       The hero deserved our respect and praise.

                                                                             Tips 易混淆
                                                                              2  reserve   保留
                    5  observe [əbˋzɝv]                      U26-1-5      97  3  preserve   保存
                          觀察;注意到;遵守                                           4  deserve   應得;值得

                       Many people gathered here to observe                   5  observe   觀察
                                                                              6  conserve     保存;維護
                       the lunar eclipse.
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