Page 17 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 17

35.  According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
                       (A) Taiwan-made chocolate is gaining world attention.
                       (B) Taiwan’s chocolate makers produce a single flavor.

                       (C) Many Taiwanese chocolate eaters like local products.

                       (D) Indonesia farmers planted cocoa trees in Taiwan 20 years ago.
                           20 年前印尼農民在台灣種植可可樹。
                   36.  What does the phrase “take off ” in paragraph 3 mean?

                       第三段的片語 “take off ” 是什麼意思?
                       (A) Remove its obstacles                   (B) Become successful

                           移除障礙                                       變得成功
                       (C) Appear competitive                     (D) Present its challenges
                           變得有競爭性                                     呈現出它的挑戰
                   37.  What is the main purpose of the passage?

                       (A) To discuss Taiwan’s problems of planting cocoa trees.
                       (B) To introduce different flavors of Taiwanese chocolate.
                       (C) To show the development in Taiwan’s chocolate industry.

                       (D) To describe Taiwan’s success in selling chocolate worldwide.

                           (D) 描述台灣在世界各地銷售巧克力的成功。
                       補充: 關於「咖啡 / 巧克力」的主題,在 99 統測閱讀測驗出現過。透過「歷屆試題與模擬考」

                ▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 38 – 41 題
                         Early this year, a new coronavirus (新冠狀病毒) caused the rapid spread of the Coronavirus
                   Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Many countries began practicing  “social distancing” to

                   prevent infection spread by increasing the space between people. All over the world, social
                   distancing brought about changes in people’s ways of living, learning, and working.

                         Lifestyle changes due to social distancing affected almost everyone. People avoided
                   crowded places and unnecessary traveling. In Italy, for example, church leaders spoke to
                   followers online. Elsewhere, online shopping in Taiwan and home entertainment in China
                   rose significantly in February.

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