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Unit 1~2

                        1           Unit 1~2 不定詞

                   下列動詞,後要不定詞(to + V.R.):

                                   cause(造成)           allow(允許)                                           1
                                    seem(似乎)           ask(要求)
                                                                            + to + V.R.
                                    plan(計畫)           encourage(鼓勵)
                                    want(想要)           inspire(激勵)

                ( B  ) 1. Both coral and fish allow businessmen on the island          much money
                          from scuba diving each year.                              [96-30 統測改編]
                         (A) earn           (B) to earn        (C) earning        (D) earned
                註解:珊瑚與魚類讓島上的商人每年可以以潛水來賺進很多錢。allow 之後必須加『不定
                ( D  ) 2. Do you want _____ different outlooks from other parts of the world? Visit
                                            to gain a better understanding of how to find and contact
                          potential hosts.                                         [101-30 統測改編]
                         (A) experience     (B) experienced    (C) experiencing (D) to experience
                       want 之後必須加『不定詞』,因此答案為(D)。

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