Page 113 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 113

22 broadcast [ˋbrɔdˏkæst]       廣播;散播   廣播;散播                                   U9-1-22
                       說明   動詞三態 broadcast - broadcast - broadcast

                       The news was broadcast throughout the country.

                    23 forecast [ˋforˏkæst]     預測   預報;預言                                    U9-1-23      107

                       說明   相似字  forecast ≒ predict (v.)「預測」;動詞三態 forecast - forecast - forecast
                       According to the weather forecast, there will be thundershowers this afternoon.

                    24 air-conditioner [ˋɛr-kənˏdɪʃənɚ]       空調;冷暖氣機                               U9-1-24
                       It is so hot here.  Let’s turn on the air-conditioner.

                    25 battery [ˋbætərɪ]     電池                                                U9-1-25      99
                       The battery of my camera has run down.  I need to exchange it before taking


                    26 crazy [ˋkrezɪ]     瘋狂的;狂熱的                                   U9-1-26      109 / 107 / 101 / 100

                       說明   be crazy for「因…感到瘋狂」【100】
                       The fans went crazy with joy when the famous movie star showed up.

                    27 difficult [ˋdɪfəˏkəlt]    困難的;難以相處的                   U9-1-27      109 / 107 / 106 / 104 / 101 / 99
                       It is difficult for me at this age to memorize new English words.                      Unit
                       像我這樣的年紀要去背英文生字很困難。                                                                      9
                       ◎ difficulty [ˋdɪfəˏkʌltɪ]    困難;難度                                       107 / 103 / 101

                          說明   相似片語   have difficulty ≒ have trouble (in) + Ving「有困難於」
                          Austin has difficulty catching up with his classmates at the schoolwork.

                    28 squeeze [skwiz]        擠壓;壓榨;緊握;塞入   榨汁;擁擠;拮据                                U9-1-28
                       The man managed to squeeze onto the MRT to avoid being caught by the police.

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