Page 143 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 143

16 clue [klu]     暗示;線索                                                   U12-1-16      97
                       說明   比較 metaphor (n.)「暗喻;隱喻」【100】

                       People have always searched the sky for clues about upcoming weather.

                    17 hint [hɪnt]    暗示   暗示;細微的徵兆                                           U12-1-17      96

                       說明   相似字  hint ≒ imply ≒ suggest「暗示」                                                   Unit
                       The baseball pitcher hinted at the catcher that he would give a good throw.            12

                       ◎ imply [ɪmˋplɑɪ]      暗示;意味著;包含                                             102 / 100
                          In some cultures, giving someone a letter opener implies that the relationship
                          will be cut.

                    18 fault [fɔlt]    錯誤;過失;缺點                                            U12-1-18      107 / 96

                       說明   相似字  fault ≒ error ≒ mistake「錯誤;失誤」;find fault with「挑剔」
                       Sometimes people have to apologize in situations where they are not personally
                       at fault.

                    19 chemical [ˋkɛmɪkḷ]       化學的   化學藥品                                U12-1-19      108 / 100
                       The farmers used to use heavy pesticide to kill the harmful insects in the past, but
                       the chemicals were harmful to humans, too.

                       ◎ chemistry [ˋkɛmɪstrɪ]        化學                                            108 / 101
                          My favorite subjects are chemistry and physics.

                    20 character [ˋkærɪktɚ]       個性;特質;角色;文字                         U12-1-20      106 / 104 / 101
                       說明   相似字  character ≒ role「角色」; 相似字  character ≒ personality「個性;人格

                       In the show, Potter is the leading character while Ron is the supporting role.
                       ◎ characteristic [ˏkærəktəˋrɪstɪk]       特徵   獨特的;特有的
                          Rainy days are the characteristics of the monsoon season.


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