Page 156 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 156

書 文 英 考 大 卜 題
                    2  get used to 習慣(= be used to 【100 / 98】= be accustomed
                       to)                                                                          U13-2-2

                       說明   (用法)get used to / be used to / be accustomed to + Ving「習慣」
                       The students get used to listening to English broadcasts every morning.

           tips        學生們習慣每天早上聽英文廣播。
                       ◎ be used to 習慣;被用來                                                108 / 105 / 102 / 101 / 98

                          說明   be used to + Ving「習慣」;be used to + V.R.「被用來」
                          The vouchers may be used to buy just about any item in Taiwan.

                    3  used to (過去)習慣;過去經常                                             U13-2-3      107 / 104 / 102
                       說明   (用法)used to + V.R.「(過去)習慣;過去經常」
                       I used to like small apartments, but now I prefer big houses.


                    4  make use of 善加利用                                                             U13-2-4

                       You should make good use of your singing talent to be a singer.

                    5  make fun of 取笑;嘲弄;揶揄                                                         U13-2-5
                       Don’t make fun of me.  I didn’t mean to do that.


                    6  thanks to 幸虧;由於                                                     U13-2-6      109 / 98

                       Thanks to your help, we can finish the work on time.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (     )  1.  My parents don’t mean to ccc each other but what they do is humorous.

                             (A) use to         (B) make it        (C) make believe   (D) make fun of

                    (    )  2.  Learning by using the Internet helps children to ccc technology.

                             (A) have nothing to do with           (B) make fun of

                             (C) get used to                       (D) make it

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