Page 167 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 167

(     )  4.  Joseph is popular at school because of his good ccc.              【98】

                             (A) performance    (B) attendant      (C) conductor      (D) rebellion

                    (    )  5.  In the Olympic Games, the best athletes from all over the world try their best to
                             ccc with one another.

                             (A) remember       (B) compete        (C) desire         (D) calculate

                      02   片語

                    1  take out 拿出;取出                                                      U14-2-1      103 / 96

                       The robber took out a gun and threatened the clerk to give him money.                  Unit
                       那個搶匪拿出一把槍並且恐嚇店員給他錢。                                                                    14

                    2  take in 理解;欺騙;收容;攝取                                                 U14-2-2      105 / 96

                       說明   比較 bring in「獲(利)」
                       If a person takes in more calories than he or she needs, he or she might get fat.


                    3  take away 帶走;拿走                                                              U14-2-3

                       The 921 earthquake took away many lives and left many people homeless.
                       921 地震奪走許多條人命並且讓許多人無家可歸。

                    4  take up 從事;攻讀;占據;抬起                                                 U14-2-4      109 / 96

                       說明   相似字   take up = occupy「占據」
                       The first computer was built in 1946; it took up more than 140 square meters of
                       floor space.

                       第一台電腦是在 1946 年被建造的;它佔據了超過 140 平方公尺的地板空間。

                    5  take over 接收;接管                                                        U14-2-5      101
                       Because of poor money management, the company was taken over by a large
                       firm last year.


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