Page 178 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 178

書 英 卜 大 文 題 考
                    4  be tired of 厭煩;疲於                                                            U15-2-4
                       The students are tired of so many tests at school.

                    5  be afraid of 害怕                                                        U15-2-5      107

                       The ancient people in China were afraid of a lunar eclipse because they considered
                       it a bad omen.

                    6  in case 萬一;以防(= for fear)                                       U15-2-6      108 / 102 / 101
                       Drink the box of milk as soon as possible after opening it in case it may go bad.

                       ◎ for fear 以防;唯恐
                          The farmers are busy collecting crops for fear of the coming heavy rain.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1. You’ve used up all the excuses.  Can’t you ccc a better one?

                             (A) come down with (B) come up with   (C) get along with   (D) let alone

                    (   )  2. They ccc the daily routine and decided to go on a vacation.

                             (A) were tired of   (B) were bad for   (C) were able to   (D) were good at

                      03   對話

                    主題 15 邀約的問句  邀約問句與對方看情況而定的答句。
                    ◎ 邀約問句與答句:對方看情況

                                                      Q: Would you like to join the charity marathon
                           Let me think                   this weekend?                     U15-3-1  【108】
                              about it.                   你這週末想要參加慈善馬拉松嗎?
                             讓我想一想。                   A:I don’t really like running.Let me think about it.


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