Page 188 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 188

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    2  turn to 求助;翻到;轉向                                                    U16-2-2      109 / 96
                       You can always turn to your true friends in times of need or trouble.

                    3  turn out 結果;結果變成                                                       U16-2-3      102

                       The play started with a tragedienne’s miserable experience but it turned out to
                       have a happy ending.

                    4  turn up 開大聲;發現;出現                                                            U16-2-4

                       說明   相似字   turn up ≒ show up ≒ appear「出現」
                       The teacher turned up her microphone so that all the students could hear her.

                    5  turn down 拒絕;關小聲                                                   U16-2-5      109 / 103

                       說明   相似字   turn down ≒ refuse ≒ reject「拒絕」
                       I invited her to my birthday party, but she turned me down.  I felt disappointed.


                    6  turn over 翻轉;翻覆;翻倒                                                           U16-2-6

                       說明   turn over a new leaf「改過自新」
                       The beetles have difficulty turning themselves over.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  A strong typhoon is nearing Taiwan, so Tom’s plan to go surfing on this weekend has
                             been rejected by his father. €፯̈ɓࡈၾ೥ֵᇞٙο൚จ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                   【103】

                             (A) filled out     (B) brought up     (C) put off        (D) turned down

                    (   )  2.  The flowers will ccc delicious fruit or other types of seeds.

                             (A) turn into      (B) turn to        (C) turn in        (D) turn on

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