Page 194 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 194

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                       ◎ admit [ədˋmɪt]       承認;允許進入                                                   101
                       說明   admit + Ving/n./that 子句

                          Anyone who wears slippers will not be admitted to the museum.

                    10 permit [pɚˋmɪt]      允許;許可                                            U17-1-10      103
                       I have to go.  Time doesn’t permit my staying longer.

                       我必須走了。 時間不允許我久留。
                       ◎ permission [pɚˋmɪʃən]          同意;允許
                          Do not use the machine without permission.


                    11 submit [səbˋmɪt]      服從;繳交;提出                                        U17-1-11      102

                       說明   相似片語  submit ≒ hand in ≒ turn in「繳交」;
                                         submission (n.)「繳交;投降;溫順」

                       “Submit your assignments to me by next Monday”, said the teacher.

                    12 deny [dɪˋnaɪ]     否認;拒絕                                         U17-1-12      103 / 102 / 96
                       說明   deny + Ving/n.「否認做…」;denial (n.)「否認;謝絕」
                       Leo denied telling a lie to his teacher.


                    13 suffer [ˋsʌfɚ]     受苦;受害                                        U17-1-13      105 / 101 / 98

                       說明   suffering (n.)「痛苦;苦惱」;suffer from「受…之苦」
                       She spent her money haphazardly before, and then suffered from poverty for the
                       rest of her life.


                    14 obtain [əbˋten]     獲得;得到                                           U17-1-14      101 / 96

                       說明   相似字  obtain ≒ gain「獲得」
                       Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure on high school students to obtain very good
                       exam results in order to enter national universities.


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