Page 62 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 62

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    25 treasure [ˋtrɛʒɚ]      珍惜;珍藏   寶藏;寶物                               U4-1-25      109 / 100
                       說明   相似字  treasure ≒ value (v.) ≒ cherish (v.)「珍視;愛護」

                       It is said that the pirates robbed others’ wealth and hid it on a treasure island.

                    26 smooth [smuð]        平滑的;平順的;流暢的   平穩;弄平                            U4-1-26      104 / 99
                       I sat beside grandmother to watch her smooth and polish the pottery.


                    27 rough [rʌf]      粗糙的;大略的                                             U4-1-27      99 / 98

                       說明   比較 cough (v)「咳嗽」
                       After the rain, some roads became rough.

                    28 divide [dəˋvaɪd]     分;分開;除;分歧                                      U4-1-28      108 / 99

                       說明   division (n.)「分配;除法」
                       Grandma divided the cake into eight pieces.

                    29 magic [ˋmædʒɪk]       神奇;魔力;魅力   魔法的;魔術的                                     U4-1-29

                       說明   magician (n.)「魔術師」
                       With a flick of her magic wand, the pumpkin was turned into a sparkling coach.


                    30 subject [ˋsʌbdʒɪkt]      主題;主詞;科目   受支配的;服從的
                                  [səbˋdʒɛkt]    使服從;使隸屬                                      U4-1-30      98
                       His favorite subject is physics.


                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1.  When teaching a large class, the teacher has ccc to the class into small groups to
                             help students to learn.                                              【108】

                             (A) arrive         (B) divide         (C) hire           (D) ignore

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