Page 99 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 99

6  disturb [dɪsˋtɝb]     打擾;妨礙;弄亂                                       U8-1-6      100 / 96
                       說明   相似字   disturbance (n.)「騷動;打擾」

                       I am sorry to disturb you so late at night.
                       ◎ bother [ˋbaðɚ]       煩惱;費心   煩惱;麻煩;引起煩惱的人或事     107 / 102
                          I am not hungry, so don’t bother about my dinner.


                    7  ability [əˋbɪlətɪ]    能力                               U8-1-7      107 / 103 / 102 / 101 / 100 / 96
                       The work requires the ability to write correctly and speak fluently in English.

                       ◎ able [ˋebḷ]      有能力的                                               109 / 107 / 106 / 103
                          說明   相反詞  unable「沒能力的」【103】
                          What we need now is an able manager to lead us through the hardship.

                       ◎ disable [dɪsˋebḷ]      使傷殘;使失去能力                                        102 / 101 / 100

                          說明   相似字  disabled ≒ handicapped (adj.)「有缺陷的;殘廢的」
                          There are some seats reserved for the disabled on the MRT.
                       ◎ enable [ɪnˋebḷ]       使能夠                                                  109 / 107

                          說明   enable + O. + to + V.R.「使能夠…」
                          The invention of machines enables human beings to lift heavy things more
                          easily.                                                                             Unit
                          機器的發明使得人類能更容易去抬起重物。                                                                  8

                    8  capable [ˋkepəbḷ]       有能力的                                             U8-1-8      98
                       說明   be capable of + Ving/n. = be able to + V.R.「能夠」

                       The school bus is capable of carrying forty students on board.
                       校車可以承載 40 位學生在車上。
                       ◎ capacity [kəˋpæsətɪ]       容量;才能;潛能                                     108 / 101 / 100
                          The little boy has the capacity of speaking five languages.

                       ◎ incapable [ɪnˋkepəbḷ]        無能力的
                          The heavy chain made the dog incapable of running.

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