Page 101 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 101

14 influence [ˋɪnfluəns]      影響;作用   影響
                                                                           U8-1-14      105 / 104 / 102 / 100 / 99 / 98 / 96

                       說明   比較 influenza (n.)「流行性感冒」
                       Vincent Willem van Gogh’s work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art.
                       梵谷的作品對 20 世紀藝術有深遠的影響。

                    15 impact [ˋɪmpækt]       衝擊;影響   對…有影響                             U8-1-15      102 / 100 / 97

                       Colors have a direct and powerful impact on the way we feel and react to our

                    16 affect [əˋfɛkt]    影響                                            U8-1-16      109 / 105 / 97
                       說明   affection (n.)「影響;情愛」【104】
                       The weather can affect people’s mood.  People feel more depressed on cloudy

                       days while feeling happier on sunny days.

                    17 effect [ɪˋfɛkt]    效果;結果                              U8-1-17      109 / 108 / 105 / 102 / 100 / 98
                       說明   side effect「副作用」
                       The medicine has a side effect of vomiting.

                       ◎ effective [ɪˋfɛktɪv]      有效的                                       109 / 107 / 106 / 103

                          說明   become effective「生效」                                                           Unit
                          Eating proper foods is an effective way to resist diseases.                          8
                       ◎ ineffective [ɪnəˋfɛktɪv]      無效的                                              102
                          The treatment is ineffective to the patient. We must try another one.


                    18 effort [ˋɛfɚt]    努力;成就                                         U8-1-18      108 / 107 / 104
                       The teacher considered that the student made no effort to prepare for the exam

                       and flunked him.

   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106