Page 135 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 135

單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1.  Social media platforms allow us to ccc up with multiple circles of friends.  【106】

                             (A) link           (B) wipe           (C) raise          (D) look
                    (   )  2.  The genetic analysis also reveals that the tiger began evolving 3.2 million years ago,   11
                             and its closest living ccc is the equally endangered snow leopard.    【99】

                             (A) fair           (B) creative       (C) military       (D) relative

                    (   )  3. May’s room is clean and tidy.  In contrast, her brother’s room is a ccc.   【98】

                             (A) mass           (B) miss           (C) mess           (D) math

                    (   )  4.  Many Allied airmen ccc in World War II escaped from German prison camps
                             successfully.                                                         【97】

                             (A) captured       (B) murdered       (C) realized       (D) compared

                    (   )  5.  Pandas are ccc creatures.  We should try to protect them.

                             (A) endangered     (B) creative       (C) confusing      (D) slight

                      02   片語

                    1  blow up 爆炸                                                                   U11-2-1

                       說明   相似字   blow up ≒ explode;動詞三態 blow - blew - blown
                       The bomb blew up and made the bridge split into two pieces.

                    2  blow out 爆(胎);吹熄                                                       U11-2-2      108
                       The tire of her car blew out on the way to her office.


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