Page 150 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 150

Unit 13

            卜 書 文 英 大 題 考

           tips       01   單字

                    1  custom [ˋkʌstəm]       習俗;海關 (pl.)                                U13-1-1      102 / 97 / 96
                       It is a traditional Chinese custom to eat moon cakes and pomelos on Mid-Autumn

                       ◎ customer [ˋkʌstəmɚ]          顧客                            108 / 106 / 104 / 102 / 100 / 99 / 96
                          說明   相似字   shopper (n.)「逛街購物的人」

                          The department store tries to attract more customers by redecoration.

                    2  consumer [kənˋsjumɚ]         消費者                                    U13-1-2      103 / 98

                       說明   consumer voucher「消費券」【98】
                       According to the consumer research, people would
                                                                                 Tips 易混淆
                       rather pay more to buy better products than buy            1  custom   習俗;海關

                       cheap but bad ones.                                        customer   顧客
                       根據消費者調查,人們寧願花多一點錢買好一點的產                                    2  consumer   消費者
                       品,而不願買便宜卻不良的產品。                                            consume   消費
                                                                                  3  costume   戲服
                       ◎ consume [kənˋsjum]          消費;攝取               96
                          The human body turns consumed calories into the energy it needs.


                    3  costume [ˋkɑstjum]        戲服;道具服;特有的服裝                                       U13-1-3

                       Children dress up in costumes and go from door to door “trick-or-treating” on

                    4  rent [rɛnt]    出租   租金;出租                                           U13-1-4      108 / 103
                       These motorcycles are not for sale, but for rent.

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