Page 186 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 186

書 英 卜 大 文 題 考
                    25 opera [ˋopərə]      歌劇                                                       U16-1-25
                       說明   Chinese opera「國劇」;Taiwanese opera「歌仔戲」;soap opera「肥皂劇」

                       My grandma enjoys watching Taiwanese operas while my grandpa likes to watch
                       Taiwanese puppet shows.

           tips        我奶奶喜歡看歌仔戲,而我爺爺喜歡看布袋戲。

                    26 whisper [ˋhwɪspɚ]       低聲說;耳語;風吹聲   耳語;悄悄話;傳聞   U16-1-26

                       說明   相似字   murmur (v./n.)「低語」
                       The students whispered to each other in the hallway.


                    27 whistle [ˋhwɪsḷ]     吹口哨;鳴笛   哨子;汽笛;警笛                                       U16-1-27
                       The cheer squad whistled when their favorite team scored.


                    28 issue [ˋɪʃju]     發行;出版;公布   發行;議題;刊物                                  U16-1-28      99
                       The issue has caused heated debate recently.

                       ◎ tissue [ˋtɪʃu]      衛生紙;組織
                          說明   face tissue「面紙」
                          The baby sneezed.  His father took out a piece of tissue to clean him.


                    29 polish [ˋpɑlɪʃ]      磨光;擦亮                                          U16-1-29      101 / 99

                       In my grandmother’s hand was a small bowl, which she was polishing.
                       ◎ publish [ˋpʌblɪʃ]      出版;刊登                                               106 / 100
                          In1989, Dr. David Spiegel published a study involving two groups of women
                          with breast cancer.

                          在1989 年,大衛史畢格爾醫生出版了一項研究,這項研究包含兩組有乳癌的女人。

                    30 novel [ˋnɑvḷ]     小說   新奇的                                     U16-1-30      107 / 106 / 100

                       說明   相似字  novel ≒ fiction「虛構小說」
                       He enjoys reading romance novels as well as martial arts novels.

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