Page 220 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 220

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                    29 desire [dɪˋzaɪr]     渴望;要求   需求;渴望;願望                              U19-1-29      104 / 101
                       說明   相似片語  desire ≒ be eager to「渴望」

                       He went to a temple to worship the god and told the god all his desires.

                    30 vitamin [ˋvaɪtəmɪn]      維他命                                          U19-1-30      103
                       The fruit is rich in vitamin C.

                       那種水果富含維他命 C。

                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1.  For the domestic pork industry, the government has made efforts to prevent the
                             spread of African swine fever.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                        【108】

                             (A) cause          (B) melt           (C) risk           (D) stop

                    (   )  2.  The police freed the man after they found out the truth about what had happened.€፯
                             ̈ɓࡈၾྌֵᇞٙοจ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                                                   【106】

                             (A) punished       (B) released       (C) captured       (D) questioned

                    (   )  3.  Most newspapers ccc the news by over-emphasizing the darker side of society,
                             such as robbery, kidnap, and murder.                                 【105】

                             (A) persuade       (B) exaggerate     (C) disappoint     (D) relieve

                    (   )  4.  When the sunshine is too bright, we should wear sunglasses to ccc our eyes.【103】

                             (A) protect        (B) judge          (C) greet          (D) review

                    (   )  5.  With online dating, people learn a lot about a potential partner before meeting each
                             other.€፯኿ɓࡈၾྌֵᇞٙο൚จ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                                          【102】

                             (A) humorous       (B) real           (C) possible       (D) generous

                      02   片語

                    1  happen to 恰巧;發生                                                     U19-2-1      108 / 97
                       Something magical happened to Sophia last month.


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