Page 234 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 234

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                      03   對話

                    主題 20 點餐的問答句  以待會兒或者不再點餐回答。

                    ◎ 點餐的問句與答句

                                                   Q:Are you ready to order?                        U20-3-1
                         Not quite yet.                你準備好要點餐了嗎?
                               還沒。                 A:Not quite yet.

                                                   Q:Would you like something for dessert?

                            I am full.                 你要一些甜點嗎?                                    U20-3-2
                            我吃飽了。                  A:No, I’m full already.

                                                   Q:Would you like tea or coffee?                 U20-3-3
                             Neither.                  你要茶或是咖啡?
                             都不要。                  A:Neither.


                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  Waitress: Would you like something for dessert?

                             Norman: cccccc

                             Waitress: That’s too bad.  We have the best cheese cake in town.

                             (A) That’s not what I ordered.        (B) No, I’m full already.

                             (C) What’s new in town?               (D) Do you have cheese?

                    (   )  2.  Waiter: Are you ready to order?

                             Mr. Li: Not quite yet.

                             Waiter: Oh, ccc, sir.

                             (A) I forgot to bring the check       (B) please come again

                             (C) take your time                    (D) the seat is taken

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