Page 263 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 263

2  so as not to 以便於不會…;以免                                                 U23-2-2      96
                       說明   相似片語   so as not to ≒ in order not to「為了不會」

                       We should keep quiet so as not to wake Mother up.

                    3  in advance 事先                                                       U23-2-3      108 / 99

                       If you want to visit me someday, call me in advance so that I can make a cheese
                       cake for you.

                    4  take one’s time 慢慢來                                                          U23-2-4   Unit
                       說明   比較 take it easy「放輕鬆」

                       Waiter: Are you ready to order? 服務生:你要點餐了嗎?

                       Mr. Li: Not quite yet. 李先生:還沒。
                       Waiter: Oh, take your time, sir. 服務生:喔,慢慢來,先生。

                    5  be aware of 察覺;明白                                                      U23-2-5      105

                       The cattle weren’t aware of the lion’s approach and kept on grazing in the

                    6  make believe 假裝                                                              U23-2-6
                       Taylor made believe he was sick so as not to go to school.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  I don’t think you ccc how much this means to me.

                             (A) are aware of   (B) are full of    (C) are used to    (D) make believe

                    (   )  2.  If you want to eat in that popular restaurant on weekend, you’d better make a
                             reservation ccc .                                                 【99 改編】

                             (A) in advance     (B) in address     (C) in amount      (D) in account

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