Page 274 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 274

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    3  apart from 除了…之外                                                       U24-2-3       106
                       Apart from economic development, Taiwan has in recent years made great efforts
                       to promote democracy.


                    4  on purpose 故意地                                                               U24-2-4
                       He didn’t do it on purpose.  It was an accident.

                       ◎ by accident 意外地;不小心地
                          The child broke the vase by accident.

                    5  take a rest 休息一下(= take a break 【107 / 101】)                           U24-2-5      97

                       說明   比較 take a nap「小睡片刻;午睡」
                       We have worked for hours. Let’s take a rest.


                    6  in particular 特別地                                                            U24-2-6

                       Lilian likes to eat sweets, chocolate in particular.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  He likes to do all kinds of sports, baseball ccc.

                             (A) in addition    (B) in advance     (C) in particular   (D) in vain

                    (   ) 2.  ccc going shopping, we also visited the Disneyland during our trip to Hong Kong.

                             (A) Nothing more than                 (B) In addition to

                             (C) Now that                          (D) For fear

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