Page 338 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 338

書 文 英 考 大 卜 題
                                                      慰問: You look down. What’s wrong?        【96 改編】
                                                             你看起來很沮喪。怎麼了?                          U30-3-4
                                                        A: I did poorly in the interview this morning.
                          What’s wrong?                      我今早面試表現得很差。

           tips                怎麼了?                   慰問: What’s wrong?
                                                        A: ’m having a really bad day.

                                                      緣由: You look upset.  Did something happen?

                    Did something happen?                    你看起來很懊惱。有什麼事發生嗎?
                          有什麼事情發生嗎?                     A: I lost my purse.                        U30-3-5
                       I’m sorry about that.                 我掉了我的錢包。
                            對此我很遺憾。                   安慰: ’m sorry about that.

                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  Mary: What’ s the matter, Joe?  You look upset.                     【97】

                             Joe: I lost my job

                             Mary: cccccc

                             (A) You are missing the point.        (B) I am just kidding.

                             (C) I am sorry to hear that.          (D) It’s very nice of you to say so.

                    (   )  2.  Gilbert: You look down.  cccccc                                     【96】

                             Peter: Oh, I feel like it’s the end of the world.  I did poorly in the interview this

                             Gilbert: Don’ t worry.  You’ll do better next time.

                             (A) How do you do?                    (B) Would you do me a favor?

                             (C) What’ s in the water?             (D) What’ s wrong?

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