Page 345 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 345

28 criticism [ˋkrɪtəˏsɪzəm]    批評;評論;非難                                         U31-1-28
                       說明   criticize (v.)「批評;指責」;critic (n.)「批評家;評論家」;
                             critical (adj.) 「批判的;關鍵性的」【102】

                       The author can’t bear the malicious criticism of his book.

                    29 stir [stɝ]    攪拌;攪動;激起   攪拌;騷動                                               U31-1-29

                       說明   動詞三態 stir - stirred - stirred
                       What I said stirred her heart.


                    30 wither [ˋwɪðɚ]      枯萎;凋謝                                                    U31-1-30
                       The flowers withered for lack of water.

                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1. I’m sorry I didn’t reply yesterday, for I was ccc busy and could not find any time
                             at all to return your phone call.                                    【107】

                             (A) casually       (B) extremely      (C) loosely        (D) scarcely

                    (   )  2.  Cheating at the game ruined the most valuable players’ ccc.        【102】

                             (A) knowledge      (B) dishonesty     (C) prediction     (D) reputation

                    (   )  3.  The boy ccc the soup with his spoon to make it cooler.

                             (A) invaded        (B) stirred        (C) interrupted    (D) interfered

                    (   )  4. The ccc says that there is a beauty sleeping in the castle.

                             (A) mineral        (B) legend         (C) contrast       (D) mill

                    (   )  5.  The flowers may ccc if you don’ t water them.

                             (A) wither         (B) invent         (C) contact        (D) overwhelm

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