Page 390 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 390

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    (   )  4.  You have to understand that everyone is an ccc.  You cannot demand your
                             children to do what you expect.

                             (A) individual     (B) unite          (C) editor         (D) analysis

                    (   )  5.  The seat was not available because it was ccc by the man’s luggage.

                             (A) absorbed       (B) analyzed       (C) debated        (D) occupied

                      02   片語

                    1  generally speaking 一般而言                                                      U35-2-1

                       說明   相似片語   generally speaking ≒ in general「一般而言」【100】
                       Generally speaking, people who feel content may be happier.

                    2  take part in 參與;參加                                                           U35-2-2
                       The teacher encourages his students to take part in extra-curricular activities
                       during vacations.

                       ◎ participate in 參加                                                              100
                          A study showed that skin cancer patients who participated in a support group
                          survived significantly longer than those who had received only standard care.


                    3  have difficulty (in) 有困難於                                          U35-2-3      107 / 101

                       說明   片語的 in 可以省略;( 用法 ) have difficulty (in) = have trouble (in) + Ving/n.
                       The police had great difficulty in finding the owner of the fingerprint.

                       ◎ have trouble (in) 有困難於
                          Tom has trouble speaking English with foreigners.

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