Page 432 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 432

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    (     )  3.  The old couple celebrated their fiftieth wedding ccc in a famous Italian restaurant.
                             All their children and grandchildren attended the party.             【104】

                             (A) operation      (B) occasion       (C) marriage       (D) anniversary

                    (     )  4.  Whenever I am in trouble, he always helps me out. I really ccc his assistance.
                             (A) accomplish     (B) associate      (C) achieve        (D) appreciate

                    (    )  5.  A university president has a high social ccc, and (s)he is highly respected by the
                             people.                                                          【100 改編】

                             (A) stage          (B) position       (C) statue         (D) station

                      02   片語

                    1  take advantage of 善加利用;占便宜                                             U39-2-1      105
                       Robby takes advantage of his weekends to study English at a cram school.


                    2  get one’s own way 為所欲為;堅持自我;一意孤行(= have one’s
                       own way = go one’s own way)                                                  U39-2-2

                       說明   比較 stand in one’s/the way「擋住去路」
                       The child always gets her own way.  She has been spoiled.


                    3  on condition that 假使;以…為條件                                                   U39-2-3
                       The fuse will burn out on condition that it is overloaded.

                    4  be qualified for 有…資格                                                        U39-2-4
                       Lucy is qualified for the job of the sales manager in the company because she is

                       good at speaking English.

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