Page 68 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 68

Unit 5

            書 文 英 考 大 卜 題

           tips       01   單字

                    1  main [men]       主要的                                U5-1-1      109 / 108 / 106 / 103 / 102 / 100 / 97

                       說明   mainly (adv.) 主要地;大體上【104】
                       Do you know the main idea of this paragraph?
                       ◎ mainland [ˋmenlənd]         大陸
                          The Olympic Games were held in Mainland China in 2008.

                          2008 年奧運在中國大陸舉辦。

                    2  pitch [pɪtʃ]    投擲;定音;紮營   投擲;音高;傾斜度                                    U5-1-2      101

                       說明   pitcher (n.)「投手」;catcher (n.)「捕手」
                       The player pitched the ball as fast as he could in the game.

                    3  matter [ˋmætɚ]       要緊;重要   物質;事情;毛病
                                                                         U5-1-3      106 / 105 / 103 / 102 / 100 / 99 / 97 / 96

                       說明   as a matter of fact = in fact「事實上」;no matter「不論」
                       What’s the matter with you?

                    4  factor [ˋfæktɚ]     因素;因子                                               U5-1-4      105
                       Her success consists of several factors – luck, intelligence, diligence and the
                       encouragement from her husband.

                    5  boil [bɔɪl]    沸騰;煮                                                           U5-1-5

                       說明   boiled (adj.)「水煮的;煮開的」;boiled water「白開水」;boiling water「沸水」
                       The hot pot is boiling.  You can put the vegetables and meat into it.

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