Page 85 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 85

◎ check out 檢查;退房                                                                109
                          If the manager doesn’t stop the man from making the horrible noise, the young
                          lady will check out at once.


                    3  check up 核對;調查;檢查                                                             U6-2-3
                       The boss asks her secretary to check up on her schedule and tell her when Mrs.
                       Jiou will come.


                    4  call off 取消                                                            U6-2-4      109

                       說明   相似字   call off ≒ cancel「取消」
                       The strike was called off because the employers had met the workers halfway.

                    5  call on 拜訪                                                                    U6-2-5

                       說明   相似字   call on ≒ visit「拜訪」

                       It is suggested by the workers in the zoo that it is best to call on the bears at an   Unit
                       early hour when they are most active.                                                   6

                    6  drop by 順道拜訪                                                                  U6-2-6

                       說明   相似片語   drop by ≒ drop in「順道拜訪」;比較 drop out「退出;退(學)」
                       We dropped by my old friend’s villa on our trip to Kaohsiung.


                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  The Customs will ccc on you during both your entry and exit of the country.

                             (A) check up       (B) check in       (C) take off       (D) call on

                    (   )  2.  The football game was ccc because of the heavy rain.

                             (A) turned off     (B) turned on      (C) called on      (D) called off

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