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Chapter 14 倒裝句

                 四 Here/There 倒裝句

                 Here / There 放至句首。

                  Here / There  +  V.  +  S.                                 !   Tips

                  EX1  Here  comes  the bus.(公車來了。)
                               Here          V                        S

                  Here / There + S.(代名詞) +  V.

                  EX2   ere       she     is.(她在那裡。)
                               There              S             V

                          立即練習 4

                     請將 here / there 放在句首改寫。
                       1.  His mother is here.

                              Here is his mother.

                       2.  She is here.

                              Here she is.

                 五 地方副詞片語放句首的倒裝

                       S + 不及物動詞 + 地方副詞片語                                                                      篇 級 高

                      地方副詞片語 + 不及物動詞 + S

                  EX1   e beautiful house     stands     on the top of the mountain.

                              On the top of the mountain           stands      the beautiful house        .
                                                                地方副詞片語                               不及物 V                                      S


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