Page 147 - PD02507_英文模擬與歷屆試題題卜書_課本PDF
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100 年度歷屆試題


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                      I.  字彙題:第 1 至 8 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與
                         劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。第 9 至 15 題,請選擇一個最適合的答案,以完成

                           1. Don’t park your car here because it is reserved for the handicapped.

                             (A) fascinated     (B) twisted          (C) disabled           (D) endangered

                           2. In conventional farming, chemicals are frequently used to kill insects and fight diseases.
                             (A) geographical  (B) traditional       (C) accidental         (D) environmental

                           3. In preparation for the wedding anniversary party, the couple invited an outstanding
                             designer to remodel the interior of the house.

                             (A) inside         (B) decoration       (C) invasion           (D) price

                           4. After sharing an apartment with a friend for two years, you should be able to recognize
                             him by his voice.

                             (A) reveal         (B) identify         (C) allow              (D) disturb

                           5. There is a strong resemblance between the man and the boy. They must be father and son.

                             (A) liking         (B) likelihood       (C) likewise           (D) likeness

                           6. When the potato was first brought to Europe, many people thought it was a  weird

                             (A) underground   (B) poisonous         (C) nutritious         (D) strange

                           7. She was fully attracted by the novel; therefore, when her mother asked her to run an

                             errand, she put the book down reluctantly.
                             (A) genuinely      (B) rapidly          (C) unwillingly        (D) definitely

                           8. In some cultures, giving someone a letter opener implies that the relationship will be cut.

                             (A) suggests       (B) includes         (C) impresses          (D) bargains

                           9. She wasted so much money on luxuries that she ran into       very soon.

                             (A) doubt          (B) date             (C) debt               (D) dirt

                          10. Whenever I am in trouble, he always helps me out. I really       his assistance.
                             (A) accomplish   (B) associate          (C) achieve            (D) appreciate

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