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109 年度歷屆試題


                                                                                                          解 109-1

                     一、選擇題(第 1 至 41 題,每題 2 分,共 82 分)

                     I.  字彙題:第 1 至 7 題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文
                         句子。第 8 至 11 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃

                           1. You can wear sunglasses if you think the sunlight is too             outside.
                             (A) bright         (B) gray             (C) large              (D) weak
                           2. Every Saturday, the library holds talks on various             that include friendship, career,

                             photography and health.
                             (A) jobs           (B) hobbies          (C) products           (D) topics

                           3. I don’t feel             gossiping about Michael’s life because it is wrong to discuss other
                             people’s private lives.
                             (A) annoyed        (B) comfortable      (C) embarrassed        (D) fearful

                           4. Computer technology             people to work at home effectively without having to go
                             to the office.
                             (A) attacks        (B) confuses         (C) enables            (D) reduces

                           5. The shoes usually cost a lot, but now they are             cheap after discount.
                             (A) regionally     (B) relatively       (C) reluctantly        (D) respectfully

                           6. Mozart ( 莫札特 ) was a great musician who started to             music when he was very
                             (A) compose        (B) lighten          (C) monitor            (D) reject

                           7. A(n)             face is essential to dramatic acting because it is good at showing all kinds
                             of emotions.
                             (A) expressive     (B) identical        (C) protective         (D) reasonable

                           8. Henry has been very busy looking for a new job lately, so he hasn’t contacted his family
                             for almost two weeks.
                             (A) fairly         (B) nearly           (C) recently           (D) shortly

                           9. Mary broke up with her boyfriend because she felt he had no regard for her feelings.
                             (A) concern        (B) fortune          (C) silence            (D) temper

                         10. A medical report indicates that there is an association between high levels of stress and
                             skin problems.
                             (A) an exchange   (B) an obstacle       (C) a relationship     (D) a similarity

   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80