Page 90 - PD02507_英文模擬與歷屆試題題卜書_課本PDF
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英文模擬與歷屆試題題卜書 (Tips)

                         40. Why is convenient transportation important for backpackers?
                             (A) Because they can get to the places they want easily.

                             (B) Because they will stay abroad for as long as they wish.
                             (C) Because they plan how much money they will spend daily.
                             (D) Because they need a part-time job with free accommodations.

                         41. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the passage?
                             (A) Young people choose package tours because of the low cost.
                             (B) Countries with convenient transportation are not the choices for travelers.

                             (C) Learning about foreign cultures and lifestyles is not possible for backpackers.
                             (D) Backpacking trips offer young people some challenging tasks to accomplish.

                     二、 非選擇題(第Ⅰ到第Ⅲ題,每題 6 分,共 18 分)
                     I. 填充


                      ▲ 請依據中文提示,將試題內空格、答案之完整單字 ( 含提示之字首 ),分別作答於

                      ▲ 請勿抄題,每格限填一字,超過一字者視為錯誤,不予計分。

                          1. 幸福的感覺就是讓每個小小的願望成真。
                             The        f         of being happy is about having each tiny wish come        t         .

                     II. 句子重組

                      ▲ 請將題中 5 段提示字詞重組成一完整句子,並於句尾加上適當標點符號。

                      ▲ 請將重組後的句子寫在答案卷之「非選擇題作答區」指定範圍內,答案中不能增減字

                           2. people avoid / that laughing / mental illness / Studies show / can help

                     III. 中譯英

                      ▲ 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「非選擇題作答區」

                          3. 我喜歡在網路上張貼與分享我的照片。

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