Page 281 - ePF824_PVQC汽車專業英文詞彙全收錄含自我診斷Demo版_課本PDF
P. 281

Part  6

                   22  How was your trip?(您這趟旅行好嗎?)
                       How was your vacation?(您這次的假期好嗎?)

                       注意:兩個 w 的口說連音。
                   23  Oh, my God!(喔,天啊!) = OMG(簡稱)

                       Oh, no!(喔,不要!)
                       Oh, crap!(喔,糟了!)

                   24  God bless you!(願上帝(老天)保佑您!)
                       God bless Taiwan!(天佑台灣!)
                       God bless America!(天佑美國!)

                   25  Are you with me?(您有聽懂嗎?)

                       Do you follow me?(您聽懂了嗎?)

                     1-5      教室(或校園)基本用語練習

                        根據圖 1-4 與圖 1-5 的專業英文學習策略與概念圖,在教室的上課環境也是練習英


                        Good morning.(早安。)
                          Good afternoon.(午安。)

                          Good evening.(晚安。)
                        Good bye.(再見)

                          See you next time.(下次見)
                          See you next week.(下周見)

                        How are you today?(你今天好嗎?) 1-4 節已介紹過
                          How are you doing today?(你今天好嗎?)

                          How is the weather today?(今天天氣如何?)
                          = How's the weather today?
                        What's your name?(你叫什麼名字?)

                        I am your teacher Johnson.(我是強森老師。)
                          Nice to see you.(很高興與您見面(初次)。)或

                          Glad to see you.(很高興與您見面(已見過面)。)
                        I'll be teaching you English in this class.(我會在這堂課教你英文。)

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