Page 10 - ePB033_高中英文文法素養EasyGo_課本PDF
P. 10

2    高中英文文法素養 Easy Go

                        TRY THIS TIP 重組

                        1. Ңٙ๵๵ӊ˂ίҢ࢕ڝڐٙʮ෤༁౳Ӊf
                        My grandfather/every day/near my house/ in the park/ takes a walk/.

                        → My grandfather takes a walk in the park near my house every day.

                        2. ϞԬʃ܀ࡁஷ੬ӊ݋ಂ˂Ϙɪ੽ɞᓃՑɤᓃίʮ෤ڝڐٙ዁ఙ͂ಏଢf
                        Some children/ usually/on Sunday mornings / from eight to ten o'clock/

                        near a park/on the playground/ play baseball/.
                        → Some children usually play baseball on the playground near a park from

                            eight to ten on Sunday mornings.


                       ɭ˴൚މୋɧɛ၈ఊᅰdՉܝࠦਗ൚ࠅ̋ s א es€ਗ൚ٙο҈މ s/x/ch/

                  sh/odۆ̋ esf

                        Ex.  1. ˼ӊ˂Ԑ༩̘ɪኪf
                                He walk to school every day.    →€X˴൚މୋɧɛ၈ఊᅰdܝࠦ

                                ਗ൚ࠅ̋ sf
                                  Ans.  He walks to school every day.

                              2. ԟࡈϼ੉ɛԐཀ̘˼ԟᗙf
                                 e old lady up to him.  ÷€X̩ɿӚϞਗ൚f

                                 e old lady go up to him. ÷€X˴൚މୋɧɛ၈ఊᅰdਗ൚ࠅҷ

                                 e old lady gos up to him. →€Xਗ൚ go ο҈݊ odࠅ̋ esf
                                 e old lady goes up to him.  →  ͍༆

                        TRY THIS TIP 中翻英

                        1. Tom ӊ˂̘ɪኪf→ Tom goes to school every day.
                        2. ˼ӊ˂Ϙɪ޶జॷf→ He reads the newspaper every morning.
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