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Unit1 現在簡單式 S + V + (O)           3

                       Cloze Test 文法實戰題

                  ‧Cloze test Aj

                          Distracted walking, like distracted driving,          1     now a cause of

                     injuries and fatalities. A recent study shows that walking while using their
                     phones caused more and more people to end up in the hospital. In the United

                     States, the number of people who were             2     seriously doubled from

                     2004 to 2010. The reason is that pedestrians were much less careful before
                     crossing streets and didn't obey      3     signals.  e problem may be caused

                     by misguided ideas of multi-tasking. Many people think that they             4

                     function e ectively when they are texting at the same time as they are walking.
                     However, the fact is that each task has to be given full attention. There are

                     several suggested solutions. One way is to teach children safe texting, and
                     another is to punish distracted walking.  ese are just some of the means of

                     improving road       5    .

                     €  B   1. (A) to be           (B) is            (C) was           (D) being
                      解析  ϤᕚϽ˖جdߵ˖̩ɿٙ஝ۆɓjɓࡈ̩ɿ̥Ϟɓࡈ˴ࠅਗ൚fவ༁Ͻ˴ࠅਗ൚ٙЗ
                          ໄd݂ഈࣩމ (B) isf
                     €  B   2.  (A) visited        (B) injured       (C) delayed       (D) explained
                      解析  (A) ܰஞe(B) աෆe(C) ַ፰e(D) ༆ᙑfԱ๫ᕚจ੽ 2004 Ց 2010 ϋdߕ਷ΪԐ
                          ༩ʔਖ਼ːϾᘌࠠ˜աෆ™ٙɛᅰ࠴ᄣdΪϤ፯ (B)f
                     €  A   3. (A) traffic         (B) engineer      (C) assignment (D) company

                      解析  (A) ʹஷe(B) ʈ೻ࢪe(C) ܸݼٙЪุe(D) ʮ̡fԱ๫ᕚจd൳Ը൳εБɛաෆd
                          ݊Ϊމ༩ɛཀ৵༩ࣛˢ༰ʔʃːdϾ˲ɰӚϞ፭ς˜ʹஷ™໮Ⴆd݂፯ (A)f
                     €  D   4.  (A) take off       (B) put off       (C) are good at (D) are able to

                      解析  (A) ୭દiৎ࠭e(B) ַ፰e(C) ኸڗ׵e(D) ঐ੄fԱ๫ᕚจdɛࡁႩމ˼ࡁ˜ঐ੄™
                          Ԑ༩ٙΝࣛᗙ͂˓ዚৃࢹdՇ΁ԫே̙˸Ϟࣖήਂd݂፯ (D)f
                     €  C   5.  (A) scientist      (B) address       (C) safety        (D) fashion
                      解析  (A) ߅ኪ࢕e(B) ήѧe(C) τΌe(D) ݴБfԱ๫ᕚจd઺ኬʃ܀τΌήෂৃࢹdԨ˲
                          ஈၮԐ༩ʱːdவ݊ɓԬᄣආ༸༩˜τΌ™ٙ˙όd݂፯ (C)f
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