Page 134 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 134

書 英 文 考 大 卜 題
                       ◎ disrupt [disˋrʌpt]      中斷;分裂;使混亂   破裂的;中斷的                                    99
                          If a bike racer ate or drank something unhealthy, such as candy or coffee, he
                          was slowed down and his training was disrupted.


           tips           慢,而他的訓練會被打亂。

                    11 dignity [ˋdɪɡnətɪ]    尊嚴;端莊                                           U31-1-11      103
                       The soldier would rather die with dignity than escape from the battle.


                    12 content [ˋkɑntɛnt]      內容 [kənˋtɛnt]       滿足的
                                               使滿足   滿足             U31-1-12    Tips 易混淆
                                                                             13 context   前後文
                       說明   相似字  content ≒ satisfactory「滿意的」                 14 contact     接觸
                       The little girl felt very content with a lot of       15 contract     縮小;契約
                                                                             16 contrast     對比;對照
                       comic books.
                                                                             17 abstract     抽象的;摘要

                    13 context [ˋkɑntɛkst]      前後文;來龍去脈                                      U31-1-13      98

                       Can you understand what the proverb means after reading the context?

                    14 contact [ˋkɑntækt]      接觸;聯繫   與…接觸                    U31-1-14      109 / 108 / 107 / 103 / 101

                       說明   相似片語   keep in contact with = keep in touch with「與…保持聯繫」
                       He constantly contacts his elementary school classmates.

                    15 contract [kənˋtrækt]      訂合約;縮小;染(病)[ˋkɑntrækt]                契約;合約

                       說明   相似字   shrink (v.)「縮小;退縮」;比較 extract (v./n.)「榨取;抽出 / 摘錄;精華」
                       The theory claims that the universe is expanding, not contracting.


                    16 contrast [ˋkɑnˏtræst]     對比;對照   對比                            U31-1-16      106 / 102 / 98

                       說明   in contrast to「與…相比之下」;比較 contrary (adj.)「相反的」
                       Nina is smarter and more outgoing in contrast to her sister.

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