Page 138 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 138

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                      02   片語

                    1  make a fortune 賺大錢;致富                                                        U31-2-1
                       She made a fortune in her youth.

           tips        她在年輕時就致富了。

                    2  be different from 與…不同                                             U31-2-2      109 / 103

                       說明   比較 be similar to「與…相似」【103】
                       The shoes you bought yesterday were different from mine.
                       ◎ be the same as 與…相同                                                         103 / 98

                          The color of your bag is the same as that of your shoes.  They go well with
                          each other.

                    3  make it a custom to 使…成習慣                                                    U31-2-3
                       說明   相似片語   make it a custom to = make it a rule to「使…成為習慣」
                       John made it a custom to do some reading before he went to bed.


                    4  in regard of/to 關於                                                     U31-2-4      106

                       Their arguments are mainly in regard of their ways of expending money.
                       ◎ with regard to 關於
                          How much do you know with regard to the matter?


                    5  either...or... 不是…就是…                                               U31-2-5      109 / 98

                       說明   比較 neither...nor...「既不是…也不是…」,動詞跟隨較靠近的主詞來變化。
                       Many of the old people in Taiwan live alone because they are either widowed or

                    6  in return 回報                                                                 U31-2-6
                       He would take care of his stepfather in return for his love and care from childhood.

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