Page 140 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 140

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                                                     緣由:I am sorry for waking you up.               U31-3-5

                       That’s no big deal.              抱歉我吵醒你。
                          沒什麼大不了的。                      A:Don’t worry about it.  That’s no big deal.

           tips                                      緣由:I am sorry to break your window.            U31-3-6
                             Forget it.                 抱歉打破你的窗戶。
                              不必在意。                     A:Forget it.

                                                     緣由:Pardon, but I have to leave now.            U31-3-7
                       It’s OK.  Go ahead.              A: It’s OK. Go ahead.  We can meet again

                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  Policeman: Sir, please move your vehicle immediately.              【102】

                             Jack: Did I do anything wrong?

                             Policeman: You parked in the space reserved for the disabled.

                             Jack: _________

                             Policeman: Thank you for your cooperation.

                             (A) But, there is no one parking here.

                             (B) I’m sorry. I will move it right away.

                             (C) Really? I thought you understand my situation.

                             (D) I think you need to calm down.

                    (   )  2.  Don: Would you mind not smoking in here?

                             John: ccc Where can I smoke?c

                             Don: Anywhere outside the building.

                             (A) No, I’ m not.                     (B) Oh, I’ m sorry.

                             (C) Oh, you would.                    (D) No, you can’ t.

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