Page 142 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
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Unit 32

            卜 書 文 英 大 題 考

           tips       01   單字

                    1  solve [sɑlv]     解決                                                    U32-1-1      108

                       說明   相似片語  solve ≒ figure out「解決」
                       Can you solve this riddle within five minutes?
                       ◎ solution [səˋluʃən]      解決;解答;溶液;溶解                                       106 / 103
                          It is Mrs. Lai who thought of a solution to the problem.  Therefore, the boss

                          decided to give her a big raise.

                    2  resolve [rɪˋzɑlv]     決心;解決;分解                                         U32-1-2      103

                       說明   比較 dissolve (v.)「溶解」
                                                                                 Tips 易混淆
                       He was resolved to study harder.                          1  solve    解決

                       他決心要更加努力學習。                                               2  resolve   決心;解決
                       ◎ resolution [ˏrɛzəˋluʃən]       決心;決議;果斷                  dissolve   溶解
                                                                                 3  revolve   旋轉
                          說明   相似字   determination (n.)「決心」;
                                                                                 4  evolve   進化;發展
                                比較  dissolution  (n.)「溶解;融化;解散」
                                                                                 5  involve   牽涉;捲入
                          My teacher is a woman of great resolution.

                    3  revolution [ˏrɛvəˋluʃən]     革命;巨變;旋轉                                        U32-1-3
                       The invention of electricity has caused a revolution in people’s way of living.
                       ◎ revolve [rɪˋvɑlv]      旋轉;循環

                          說明   相似字   rotate (v.)「旋轉;循環」
                          The earth revolves around the sun.

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