Page 148 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
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書 英 文 考 大 卜 題
                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    1. ˰ޢ຾᏶ኪ࢕ঐཫ಻ɨϣٙږፄΚዚ෗k€෬̂ᕚ                                            【104 非選改編】

                        Will the world’s economists be able to predict the next financial   ?

                    (   )  2.  Sam is not easy to get along with. I do not know how his friends can tolerate him
                             without any complaints.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                               【108】

                             (A) break up with   (B) catch up with   (C) keep up with   (D) put up with

                    (   )  3.  Since water shortage in many regions is getting worse, it is predictable that the world
                             will be facing water crisis soon.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                 【100 改編】

                             (A) level          (B) energy         (C) emergency      (D) sink

                    (   )  4.  The plan is a top secret.  Don’t ccc it to anyone else.

                             (A) reveal         (B) conceal        (C) endure         (D) resolve

                    (   )  5.  During the storm, we took ccc in a cave.

                             (A) equator        (B) addition       (C) welfare        (D) refuge

                      02   片語

                    1  carry out 實現;實行;履行                                                           U32-2-1

                       說明   比較 come true = come to reality「( 某事或理想被 ) 實現」
                       He has carried out his ambition to be a doctor.


                    2  bump into 巧遇 ( = run into = come across )                                    U32-2-2
                       I bumped into an old friend of mine on my way home yesterday.


                    3  leave...alone 別理會;別干擾                                                        U32-2-3
                       Just leave me alone.  I want to be alone for a while.


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