Page 151 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 151

Cheer up.                  緣由:I failed my English test today.       U32-3-9
                                振作精神。                         我沒通過今天的英文考試。
                               Take heart.                    A: Cheer up.  Every cloud has a silver
                             鼓起 / 鼓起勇氣。                          lining.
                       Every cloud has a silver                 開心點。每朵雲都鑲有一條銀邊(否極泰
                     每朵雲都鑲有一條銀邊(否極泰來)                            來)。
                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  Jill: When is your monthly test?c                                  【106】

                             Larry: Next Thursday. Oh, I’m running out of time!

                             Jill: Relax! There are still five more days to prepare.

                             Larry: Easy for you to say.  cccccc

                             Jill: I have confidence in you.

                             (A) I can’t believe he spoke to you this way.

                             (B) I’m not sure if I can be ready by that time.

                             (C) But it’s kind of dangerous to run here.

                             (D) The monthly treatment takes too long.

                    (   )  2.  Mother: You look tired.  Why don’t you go to bed earlier today?     【99】

                             Jimmy: I can’t.  I have an English test tomorrow.

                             Mother: cccccc

                             Jimmy: I haven’t finished reviewing yet. I don’t want to take any chances.

                             (A) Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.      (B) You should study earlier.

                             (C) How about a cup of coffee?        (D) Is that the only test tomorrow

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