Page 205 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 205

Q:Do you mind lending me ten thousand dollars?

                                Yes.                     你介不介意借我一萬塊?                               U37-3-5
                            (會介意。)                   A:Yes.  I’m broke myself.

                                                     Q:Would you mind giving me a hand?            U37-3-6
                           I’m afraid so.                你介不介意幫我一個忙?
                          (恐怕會介意。)                   A:I’m afraid so.

                                                     Q:Do you mind my smoking here?                 U37-3-7

                            Of course.               A:Of course.  This is a non-smoking area, so
                          (當然會介意。)                       please go to another place.


                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (    )  1.  Manager: cc    c                                                   【99】

                             Kelly: Pretty much, sir, but I am wondering if there is a dress code.
                             Manager:   Yes, the company wants all the employees to look their best and represent     37
                                      the company well.

                             (A) Is everything clear so far?       (B) The dress looks great on you.

                             (C) Do you have any questions?        (D) Welcome to the Sales Department.

                    (    )  2.  Joe: Would you mind giving me a hand?

                             Tim: cc    c I am occupied in writing the report which must be turned in in
                                      an hour.

                             Joe: That’s OK.

                             (A) No, I’m glad to help.             (B) I’m afraid so.

                             (C) Of course not.                    (D) That’s really great.

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