Page 208 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
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                    5  associate [əˋsoʃɪˏet]      與…有關聯                                    U38-1-5      102 /100
                       說明   相似字  associate ≒ relate「相關」;associate A with B「將 A 與 B 關聯在一起」

                       The fortune teller associated Tracy’s fortune and wealth with her generosity and
                       mercy in her former life.

           tips        那個算命師將翠希的好運與財富,與她前世的慷慨與慈悲聯繫在一起。
                       ◎ association [əˏsosɪˋeʃən]        協會;聯合;聯想                                      109

                          說明   比較 union (n.)「工會;結合;團結;聯邦」
                          The aim of the association is to protect our environment and cherish our earth.

                    6  organization [ˏɔrɡənəˋzeʃən]       組織                                  U38-1-6      97
                       說明   organize (v.)「組織;編制」【103 / 100】;
                       相似字  oranization ≒ association ≒ institution「協會;組織」

                       She is a social worker at the welfare organization.

                       ◎ organic [ɔrˋɡænɪk]       有機的;器官的   器官;機關;風琴
                          說明   organ (n.)「器官;機關;風琴」;mouth organ「口琴」;
                                electronic organ「電子琴」
                          More and more people would like to purchase organic foods.


                    7  recognition [ˏrɛkəɡˋnɪʃən]      認出;認可;賞識                               U38-1-7      97

                       說明   recognizable (adj.)「可識別的」【99】
                       I have not seen my classmates for many years after graduation, so some may
                       have changed beyond recognition.

                       ◎ recognize [ˋrɛkəɡˏnaɪz]        承認;認出;認識;表揚                              102 / 100 / 97
                          說明   相似字  recognize ≒ admit「承認」≒ acknowledge「承認;認可」;

                                      recognize ≒ identify「認出」
                          No one could recognize Vivian because she wore a costume at the party.

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