Page 211 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 211

18 forbid [fɚˋbɪd]     禁止;不准                                                    U38-1-18
                       說明   相似字  forbid ≒ prohibit「禁止」;動詞三態 forbid - forbad - forbidden

                       Patients with high blood pressure, heart disease or stomach trouble are forbidden
                       to take this medicine.

                    19 confine [kənˋfaɪn]      限制;禁閉                                                U38-1-19

                       說明   相似字  confine ≒ restrict「限制;約束」
                       The main character, Harry Potter, is a child who escapes from the confines of the

                       adult world.

                    20 definitely [ˋdɛfənɪtlɪ]    必定地;無疑地                          U38-1-20      107 / 106 / 100 / 98

                       說明   相似字  definitely ≒ doubtlessly「無疑地」;definite (adj.)「明確的;一定的」
                       She is definitely the most charming woman in the eyes of her husband.

                       ◎ definition [ˏdɛfəˋnɪʃən]      定義
                          You can look up in a dictionary for the definition of the word.
                       ◎ define [dɪˋfaɪn]      定義;規定                                                 104 / 98

                          According to the passage, self-concept is defined as how the individual looks
                          upon himself.
                          根據這個段落,自我概念被定義為一個人如何看待他自己。                                                          Unit

                    21 magnificent [mæɡˋnɪfəsənt]        壯麗的;宏偉的                                    U38-1-21
                       說明   相似字  magnificent ≒ splendid「壯麗的」≒ grand「壯麗的」≒ brilliant「輝煌的」
                             magnificence (n.)「壯麗;堂皇」

                       The tourist felt wonderful to visit the magnificent palace.

                    22 significant [sɪɡˋnɪfəkənt]     重要的;意義重大的                       U38-1-22      109 / 101 / 100

                       說明   significance (n.)「重要性;含意」
                       This was a significant discovery in archeology.


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