Page 216 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 216

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                                                     Q:What can we do?                              U38-3-5
                     That’s a good idea.             A:Let’s move out of town.
                          那是個好主意。                    讓我們搬出城鎮吧。

           tips                                   意見:That’s a good idea.

                                                                                             U38-3-6 【101】

                                                     Q:I believe that a proper joke can break the ice.
                       It makes sense.               我相信一個適當的笑話可以打開話題。
                                                  意見:Telling a joke? It makes sense. And I’ll try it later.


                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)
                    (    )  1.  Roger: Here we are.  This is Chung-ming’s house.                   【96】

                             Ted: Should we take off our shoes before we get in?

                             Roger: This is Taiwan, and as you know, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”

                             Ted: Right. We should c    cc

                             (A) go to Rome.                       (B) follow Chung-ming home.

                             (C) follow Taiwanese customs.         (D) go to the shoe store.

                    (     )  2.  Wife: There are too many cars in the city.

                             Husband: You’re right. But what can we do?

                             Wife: c    cc

                             Husband: That’s a good idea.  Let’s get new jobs in the countryside.

                             (A) Let’s move out of town.           (B) Stay home and don’t go out.

                             (C) Try to save more money.           (D) Just forget about it.

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