Page 39 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 39

4  conclude [kənˋklud]        下結論;終結                                      U22-1-4      109
                       說明   conclusion (n.)「結束;結論」【104】

                       We can conclude from the passage that it is important for us to exercise regularly.

                    5  dessert [dɪˋzɝt]      甜點                                                     U22-1-5

                       說明   比較 desert (v./n.)「拋棄 / 沙漠」; 相似字   snack (n.)「點心」                                  Unit
                       Waiter: Would you like something for dessert? Norman: No, I’m full already.            22
                       服務生:你想要來點甜點嗎?          諾曼:不,我已經吃飽了。

                    6  label [ˋlebḷ]    標籤;標記   貼標籤;視為                                     U22-1-6      100 / 97
                       The clerk labelled the price tag on the goods.

                    7  labor [ˋlebɚ]     勞工階級;勞動;工作   詳細說明;勞動;費力                                    U22-1-7
                       Some couples have different opinions about the division of domestic labor.

                       ◎ laborer [ˋlebərɚ]       勞工;工人
                          We imported some foreign laborers from other countries.

                    8  match [mætʃ]       配對;相配;較量比賽   比賽;對手;相配;火柴
                                                                                        U22-1-8      108 / 105 / 97
                       The couple are a perfect match.

                    9  mature [məˋtjur]       成熟的;成年的;慎重的   成熟                             U22-1-9      108 / 104
                       說明   maturity (n.)「成熟;完善」 【104】 ;相反詞   immature (adj.)「未成熟的;幼稚的」;
                             比較 amateur (adj./n.)「業餘的;業餘者」

                       According to civil law, a person is mature at the age of twenty.
                       根據民法,人到 20 歲才算成年。

                    10 ripe [raɪp]    成熟的                                                           U22-1-10
                       The grapes are ripe and it is time for a harvest.

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