Page 36 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 36

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考

                        Half milk(牛奶加一半)                  Q:How do you like your coffee?         【102】
                         with cream(加奶精)                      你想要咖啡怎麼調?                           U21-3-3
                          with sugar(加糖)                  A:Half milk and no sugar.

           tips             black(都不加)                        牛奶加一半,而不加任何糖。

                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (    )  1.  Coffee Shop Clerk: What can I get for you?                        【102】

                             Customer: Mocha, please.

                             Coffee Shop Clerk: cccccc

                             Customer: Half milk and no sugar. Thank you.

                             (A) For here or to go?                (B) How would you like it?

                             (C) Cash or charge?                   (D) How would you like to pay for it?

                    (     )  2.  Waiter: Are you ready to order?

                             Cory: Yes, I’ll have the steak.

                             Waiter: cccccc ?

                             Cory: Medium-rare.

                             (A) Do like a big one                 (B) Are you hungry

                             (C) Is that all                       (D) How would you like it done

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