Page 31 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 31

14 trade [tred]     貿易;交易;交換   貿易;職業;手工藝                                 U21-1-14      104
                       People first started using money in order to trade.

                    15 purchase [ˋpɝtʃəs]       購買;購置;獲得   購買;購買之物                                            Unit
                                                                                U21-1-15      106 / 104 / 103 / 102 / 99  21
                       Mrs. Hsieh made a loan from the bank to purchase a house.

                    16 collapse [kəˋlæps]       倒塌;暈倒   倒塌;暴跌                                       U21-1-16

                       說明   相似字  collapse ≒ faint ≒ pass out「昏倒」
                       The collapse of the shares in the stock market recently made many people feel

                    17 pattern [ˋpætɚn]      型式;樣式;圖案                                  U21-1-17      104 / 100 / 97

                       說明   相似字  pattern ≒ design「圖樣;設計」≒ type「類型;樣式」
                       Nowadays, the term 7-Eleven, the name of a convenience store, is used as a
                       metaphor for the non-stop working pattern.
                       現今,7-11 這個詞,一間便利商店的名字,被用來隱喻毫無休止的工作型態。

                    18 route [rut]     路線;航線                                                 U21-1-18      101
                       說明   比較 root (n.)「根」
                       This is the shortest route to school, but not the fastest one.


                    19 routine [ruˋtin]     例行工作;慣例   例行的                                    U21-1-19      105
                       In the past, the daily routine of a traditional housewife was cooking and cleaning.


                    20 religion [rɪˋlɪdʒən]    宗教;信仰                                   U21-1-20      102 / 101 / 99
                       What religion do you believe in?


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